
Housing and integrating refugges in Hamburg, Germany
_ Zentraler Koordinationsstab Flüchtlinge (ZKF), Stadt Hamburg / Central Coordination Unit Refugees, City of Hamburg. In English: HERE.
Human rights and democracy
_ Die Offene Gesellschaft, Berlin _ The Universal Declaration of Human _ Arab Human Rights Fund, Beirut _ Arab Foundation Forum, Amman _ Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, Copenhagen _ Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Foundation, Copenhagen _ Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human, Geneva _ International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) _ Amnesty International _ Human Rights Watch
Communications and Campaigning
_ Bernstorff Campaigning: Andreas Graf von Bernstorff. Campaigning, training and coaching. Heidelberg/Germany _ Berger und Berger: Horst und Annette Berger. "Propaganda und Reklame", Hamburg/Germany _ Stephanie Bothor, Artist, Berlin/Germany _ Holde Schneider Photography: Portrait, sport and adventure photography, Hamburg/Germany _ Jens Schwarz: Photography. Munich, Germany _ The Varda Group: Remie Parmentier, Kelly Riggs, Elaine Lawrence, Clifton Curtis and Alex Garcia Whylie. Project management, strategic analysis, project evaluation, etc. Spain, UK, US and the Netherlands _ Sustainable Media: Jochen Vorfelder. Journalism, web and communications design. Hamburg/Germany Environmental Protection
_ Huffington Post articles of activist Kelly Rigg on climate change issues _ Friends of the Earth Europe, Brussels, Belgium _ Global Campaign for Climate Action, (GCCA), Montreal, Canada. _ Global Footprint Network, Oakland, USA _ Greenpeace International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands _ Greenpeace Germany, Hamburg, Germany _ IndyAct, the League of Independent Activists, Beirut, Lebanon _ Save Our Seeds, Berlin, Germany
_ The photo documentation of my Honda CB750 Four K6 _ Article with great pictures by Jochen Vorfelder (in GERMAN) about his motorcycle tour with me and Stefan in Lebanon, Motorrad News, March 2010 _ Honda CB 750 K0, Discovery Channel, "Greatest motorcycles ever", on YouTube _ Jochen Vorfelder's Blog (in GERMAN) with articles about new bikes and the situation of motorcycle firms