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"Der Deutsch-Libanese Hamdan ist Politikberater".
Article about my work as a political advisor in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ in GERMAN), published on May 8, 2013

Time for an Arab Media Code of Ethics
Article (in ENGLISH) about how Japanese and Arab media report differently about natural disasters and wars, and why time has come for Arab journalists to formulate a modern Media Code of Ethics in light of the winds of freedom blowing in the region. Daily Star, March 2011
Give us real Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - and not hollow Public Relations
Paper (in ENGLISH) presented at the conference "CSR - Innovation and competitiveness", organised by the EU Finish presidency. Brussels, November 2006
Greenpeace communications
A paper (in GERMAN) on how Greenpeace communicates its campaigns. Presented at Universitaet der Kuenste in Berlin, May 2003
Communicating campaigns
5 articles and interviews about communicating Greenpeace´s campaigns (in GERMAN), 2001-2004
Online campaigning
How a pressure group like Greenpeace campaigns online (in GERMAN), with Helge Holler. Hamburg, February 2003
Advertisement and PR agencies are afraid
Interview (in GERMAN) about relations between NGOs and PR as well as adverstisement agencies. PR Magazin, August 2007
Communicating in the European Union (in ENGLISH)
How non-governmental organisations (NGOs) lobby and communicate in the capital of the European Union, Brussels. Berlin, September 2006
Communicating in the European Union (in GERMAN)
How non-governmental organisations (NGOs) lobby and communicate in the capital of the European Union, Brussels. Berlin, September 2006